Thursday, 14 April 2011

Front Cover

After going into school during the half term and taking many images of my friend that I had planned to be the model for my front cover, I have now edited the photo and adjusted it to go onto the front cover!

Because of the how dark the picture is, I had to change the font colour of some of the text so that it could be seen over the image.

Also I Just realised I had not put a price on the magazine cover! How stupid! So here it is with the price on! I decided £1.99 because I think it will be affordable for my target audience.

Sunday, 10 April 2011

edited mag..

I thought the magazine looked plain and boring. So I searched for some "vine" like patterns that I could adapt to put around the magazine, considering the title of the magazine is "Unwind" I thought this would make sense, as the pattern looks like it is.. Unwinding?

Tuesday, 5 April 2011

NME forums.

Wanting to know abit more about what people like/dislike about the nme magazine, i decided to go onto the nme website and take a look at the message boards. Interestingly, there was quite a balanced opinion on the magazine. Whereas some say they love NME and try and buy every issue, others negatively express their opinions on certain artists they do not agree with and their articles published. For example, one person claimed NME was the "New Oasis Express". They stated,

New Oasis Express ??? "why does the N.M.E. still give so much space to Oasis ???They had their day many many moons ago. Let them die in peace."

Although im sure every post is valid to the magazine creators, I suppose it is important to get various opinions from people in order to make the magazine the best it can be. They may try their hardest, but for some people that will never be enough! A magazine will never make 100% of its readers happy...

Friday, 1 April 2011

Meme & Tropes

A meme identifies ideas or beliefs that are transmitted or evolve in a culture. Often this meme appears independently in different works of art. The meme of music is the fashion which varies for each different genre.

A trope is a recurring element in art or culture e.g. fantasy films and medieval. Sometimes tropes are rewritten, which is called revisionism. Generally, tropes are rewritten because audiences prefer the new tropes.